G.S.B. Sabha, Mumbai, organized a Scrabble Workshop for young minds on Sunday, 9 th December, 2018, at the I.M. Pai Hall of its newly renovated Kreeda Mandir. About 25 children, in the 8 to 13 age group, participated in the workshop. The workshop was sponsored by Shri Prakash Hegde.
The workshop was conducted by Shri Ashok Bhandarkar, President, Scrabble Association of India, who also provided the Scrabble kits for the workshop. Shri Ashok Bhandarkar gave a presentation to explain the basics of the games and also rules of tournaments. The children then paired against each other and played the game, in the course of which they were explained various nuances of the game.
The Sabha hopes to conduct more such activities for children and youngsters in the future.