The Medical Aid Fund was launched during the Gudi Padva Sneh Milan Programme of 2009. From this Fund, the Sabha began providing one-time assistance for hospitalization expenses.
During the year FY2017-18, the Sabha received Rupees Fifty Lakhs bequeathed by Shri Gurpur Dattananda Bhat for providing medical aid. In order to optimally utilize the funds available, the Committee decided to credit these funds to separate endowment called Medical Aid Endowment Fund (Critical Illness), with the interest therefrom to be used for assistance towards critical illnesses. 23 critical illnesses have been defined.
Along with the application form, applicants have to provide all necessary documentary evidence such as copies of medical reports, hospital bills etc.
Disbursements range from Rs. 5,000/- to Rs. 50,000/- depending on nature of treatment needed.