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Healthcare support is about creating opportunities for every person to live a healthier, fuller life.

The GSB Sabha Mumbai offers medical assistance to individuals through two funds, namely the Medical Aid Fund and the GSB Senior Citizen Medical Welfare Fund.

Medical Aid Fund

The Medical Aid Fund was launched during the Gudi Padva Sneh Milan Programme of 2009. From this Fund, the Sabha began providing one-time assistance for hospitalization expenses. 

During the year FY2017-18, the Sabha received Rupees Fifty Lakhs bequeathed by Shri Gurpur Dattananda Bhat for providing medical aid. In order to optimally utilize the funds available, the Committee decided to credit these funds to separate endowment called Medical Aid Endowment Fund (Critical Illness), with the interest therefrom to be used for assistance towards critical illnesses.  23 critical illnesses have been defined. 

18 Disbursements were made for the FY 2022-2023 of Rs. 373056

How to Apply for Medical Aid Fund:

Along with the application form, applicants have to provide all necessary documentary evidence such as copies of medical reports, hospital bills etc.

Disbursements range from Rs. 5,000/- to Rs. 50,000/- depending on nature of treatment needed. 

GSB Senior Citizen Medical Welfare Fund

The Fund is dedicated to meet the domiciliary medical expenses of economically weaker section of senior citizens of the Community. These senior citizens are prescribed daily medicines for ailments such as asthma, blood pressure, diabetes, heart ailments etc. and find it difficult to meet the expenses involved.

Background: A very generous donation of Rs. 50 lacs, made in FY2013-2014 by philanthropist Shri Gurpur Dattanand Bhat in memory of his late wife, Smt. Shanta Bhat, enabled the Sabha to launch the GSB Senior Citizen Medical Welfare Fund.

During the FY 2022-2023, 27 beneficiaries were disbursed total assistance of Rs. 4,34,297 from this Fund.

Gurpur Dattananda Bhat - Donor - GSB Sabha Mumbai
Shri Gurpur Dattananda Bhat

How this Works:

The application form is designed to capture details of financial status of the applicant as well as their requirements of their daily medicines. Their doctor’s certificate is also taken. The Managing Committee validates the financial aspects of the application and our honorary panel doctor, Dr. Anita Shenoy, does the medical scrutiny. After being satisfied about the genuineness of the applicant, Dr. Anita Shenoy estimates the monthly medicine expense of the applicant and recommends the same as a financial limit for the applicant.

The beneficiaries submit the bills of their medicines at Sabha office on quarterly basis. These bills are processed and expenditure reimbursed, subject to limits, by direct transfers to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries.